The recently joined yoga classes are turning out to be entertaining in more ways than one. Other than the fact that the spiritual energy clears my head and the poses are physically exhilarating, some comments by fellow students totally catch me off guard that crack me up in the oddest of positions. Pun intended.
So mine is a co-ed class which makes it SO much funnier. Just today, while doing the side plank (that absolutely takes its toll your arm when you weigh as much as I do!) and being engrossed in a next level inhale-exhale routine while trying to keep my balance, the man next to me in a sudden outburst says, ''*pant* *pant* *pant* frig, frig, friggggggginnnn hell..!" and plops onto the floor while I'm facing him! Needless to say, I smirked and realized I couldn't balance, breathe and control my laughter at the same time hence I put my legs down and withdrew into a restorative pose. Damage control at its fullest.
While that was still subtle, this other one is just classic. So our instructor made us do the bow pose, which was quite intense as is but all of us kept up with the challenge. Seeing our progress, she told us to take it a notch above and 'rock back and forth' while remaining in the pose. A second into it, the guy on my other side looks towards me and in a very solemn but confused expression asks, "this can't be good for the penis?" Really that comment left me with NO choice but to crack up while I rocked. HAHAHAHAHA. No damage control there.
I best chose to place my mat near the ladies next time...
45 Model Kursi Teras Minimalis
6 years ago
hahaha...I never thought Yoga could be fun. =p
LOL! The second comment... hahaha I don't blame you for no damage control =P
I shall add you to my blog roll =D
LOL. Hahahaha! Good choice =D
Hahahha... i only did a couple of classes of yoga wid d guys. n i swear they were hilariously confused abt ..things!
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