A fruity surprise!

You know you've hit jackpot when he sends you the one thing you've secretly wished to receive for as long as it's existed.

Thank you! I love u!


Xeb said...

You've always wanted a fruity surprise? :P

Sadaff said...

yeah, psshh healthy choices. yummy cute. chocolate ni?

still in w-loo?or gone back home?

DysfunctionaL said...

haha, well everytime i saw these arrangements, i'd wish someone would send them to me, just cuz they're so very pretty.. and then he sent them on my bday considering the long distance and all.. the fruit apart, its really the chocolate dipped strawberries that just taste SO good!

Anonymous said...

wow! what fun!

Anjaan said...

Thanx for the nice things u said on my blog Fruity! FORGET POSTCARDS - u can come and stay with us in OZ if i win! :)

Viks said...

I like fruits!

Kanwal said...

this looks healthyly yummy!